Dentista a Padova dal 1985

Dr. Denis Cecchinato

Denis Cecchinato (MD, DDS) si è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia all’Università di Padova nel 1985.

È stato insegnante al Master di Implantologia Orale della Facoltà di Odontoiatria dell’Università di Milano  e al Master di Implantologia Osteointegrata dell’università di Siena.

E’ stato professore a contratto in Chirurgia Orale alla Facoltà di Odontoiatria dell’Università di Pavia.

E’ stato presidente della Società Italiana di Implantologia Orale (SIO), ed è un socio fondatore della Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO).

Membro del Collegio dei Probi Viri della stessa Accademia.

Presidente eletto di ASSO (Associazione Società Scientifiche Odontoiatriche Italiane).

È attualmente professore a contratto al Dipartimento di Parodontologia dell’Università di Padova.

Collabora con il Professor Jan Lindhe con il quale è attivamente coinvolto in numerosi protocolli di ricerca clinica su temi di parodontologia e implantologia.

È autore di molte pubblicazioni scientifiche e relatore a conferenze e congressi nazionali e internazionali.

Si occupa esclusivamente di trattamento parodontale e implantare a Padova.

articoli scientifici


Clinical oral implants research

Fixed full-arch maxillary prostheses supported by four versus six implants with a titanium CAD/CAM milled framework: 3-year multicentre RCT

Toia M, Stocchero M, Corrà E, Becktor JP, Wennerberg A, Cecchinato D
Jan 2021


The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry

CAD/CAM Implant Abutments: Peri-implant Hard and Soft Tissue Response with Up to 4 Years of Follow-up- A Retrospective Cohort Study Evaluation

Parpaiola A, Toia M, Norton M, Cecchinato D, Bressan E, Lops D.
Mar Apr 2020


Clinical oral implants research

6-mm-short and 11-mm-long implants compared in the full-arch rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible: A 3-year multicenter randomized controlled trial

Guida L, Annunziata M, Esposito U, Sirignano M, Torrisi P, Cecchinato D
Jan 2020


The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry

Clinical Evidence of OsseoSpeed EV Implants: A Retrospective Study and Characterization of the Newly Introduced System

Toia M, Galli S, Cecchinato D, Wennerberg A, Jimbo R
Nov Dec 2019


Journal of oral rehabilitation

Patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes in implant-supported overdentures retained by milled bars: Two-year follow-up

Toia M, Wennerberg A, Torrisi P, Farina V, Corrà E, Cecchinato D
Jul 2019


Clinical oral implants research

Effect of socket grafting with deproteinized bone mineral: An RCT on dimensional alterations after 6 months

Tomasi C, Donati M, Cecchinato D, Szathvary I, Corrà E, Lindhe J
May 2018


The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants

Clinical Considerations of Adapted Drilling Protocol by Bone Quality Perception

Toia M, Stocchero M, Cecchinato F, Corrà E, Jimbo R, Cecchinato D
Nov Dec 2017


Clinical oral implants research

The effect of placing a bone replacement graft in the gap at immediately placed implants: a randomized clinical trial

Sanz M, Lindhe J, Alcaraz J, Sanz-Sanchez I, Cecchinato D
Aug 2017


Clinical oral implants research

Bone loss at implants and teeth in the same segment of the dentition in partially dentate subjects

Cecchinato D, Marino M, Lindhe J
May 2017


The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants

Biomechanical, Biologic, and Clinical Outcomes of Undersized Implant Surgical Preparation: A Systematic Review

Stocchero M, Toia M, Cecchinato D, Becktor JP
Nov 2016


The International journal of oral & maxillofacial implants

Multicenter Clinical Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluation of an Implant System Designed for Enhanced Primary Stability

Stanford CM, Barwacz C, Raes S, De Bruyn H, Cecchinato D, Bittner N, Brandt J
Jul Aug 2016


Clinical oral implants research

A prospective, randomized, controlled study using OsseoSpeed™ implants placed in maxillary fresh extraction socket: soft tissues response

Cecchinato D, Lops D, Salvi GE, Sanz M


Clinical oral implants research

Soft tissues stability of cad-cam and stock abutments in anterior regions: 2-year prospective multicentric cohort study

Lops D, Bressan E, Parpaiola A, Sbricoli L, Cecchinato D, Romeo E
Dec 2015


Clinical oral implants research

Dimensions of the healthy gingiva and peri-implant mucosa

Parpaiola A, Cecchinato D, Toia M, Bressan E, Speroni S, Lindhe J
Jun 2015


Clinical oral implants research

Mucosal inflammation and incidence of crestal bone loss among implant patients: a 10-year study

Cecchinato D, Parpaiola A, Lindhe J
Jul 2014


Clinical oral implants research

Ridge preservation with the use of deproteinized bovine bone mineral

Lindhe J, Cecchinato D, Donati M, Tomasi C, Liljenberg B
Jul 2014


Clinical oral implants research

Implants placed in fresh extraction sockets in the maxilla: clinical and radiographic outcomes from a 3-year follow-up examination

Sanz M, Cecchinato D, Ferrus J, Salvi GE, Ramseier C, Lang NP, Lindhe J
Mar 2014


Clinical oral implants research

Bone tissue in different parts of the edentulous maxilla and mandible

Lindhe J, Bressan E, Cecchinato D, Corrá E, Toia M, Liljenberg B
Apr 2013


The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry

Virtual abutment design: a concept for delivery of CAD/CAM customized abutments– report of a retrospective cohort

Parpaiola A, Norton MR, Cecchinato D, Bressan E, Toia M
Jan Feb 2013


Clinical oral implants research

A cross-sectional study on the prevalence of marginal bone loss among implant patients

Cecchinato D, Parpaiola A, Lindhe J
Jan 2013


Clinical oral implants research

The alveolar process of the edentulous maxilla in periodontitis and non-periodontitis subjects

Lindhe J, Cecchinato D, Bressan EA, Toia M, Araújo MG, Liljenberg B
Jan 2012


Clinical oral implants research

Osseointegration in periodontitis susceptible individuals

Cecchinato D, Bressan EA, Toia M, Araújo MG, Liljenberg B, Lindhe J
Jan 2012


Clinical oral implants research

Bone dimensional variations at implants placed in fresh extraction sockets: a multilevel multivariate analysis

Tomasi C, Sanz M, Cecchinato D, Pjetursson B, Ferrus J, Lang NP, Lindhe J
Jan 2010


Clinical oral implants research

Analysis of the socket bone wall dimensions in the upper maxilla in relation to immediate implant placement

Huynh-Ba G, Pjetursson BE, Sanz M, Cecchinato D, Ferrus J, Lindhe J, Lang NP
Jan 2010


Clinical oral implants research

Factors influencing ridge alterations following immediate implant placement into extraction sockets

Ferrus J, Cecchinato D, Pjetursson EB, Lang NP, Sanz M, Lindhe J
Jan 2010


Clinical oral implants research

A prospective, randomized-controlled clinical trial to evaluate bone preservation using implants with different geometry placed into extraction sockets in the maxilla

Sanz M, Cecchinato D, Ferrus J, Pjetursson EB, Lang NP, Lindhe J
Jan 2010


Clinical oral implants research

Bone level alterations at implants placed in the posterior segments of the dentition: outcome of submerged/non-submerged healing. A 5-year multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical trial

Cecchinato D, Bengazi F, Blasi G, Botticelli D, Cardarelli I, Gualini F
Apr 2008


Journal of clinical periodontology

Submerged or non-submerged healing of endosseous implants to be used in the rehabilitation of partially dentate patients

Cecchinato D, Olsson C, Lindhe J
Apr 2004

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